What is synthetic ruby?

Ruby and Sapphire
It is better to know that Ruby and Sapphire are the same as aluminum oxide red. Ruby and Sapphire can often be made by melting aluminum oxide to be used as artificial ruby. This precious stone of synthetic ruby can be used for hours. Of course, to create artificial ruby, we melt aluminum oxide, which contains a small amount of chromium. Obtained, it has the same properties that ruby has. The same properties as original rubies have identical synthetic rubies obtained by melting aluminum oxide. For example, it can be said that the comparable artificial rubies have the same properties as the original rubies, among which we can mention their optical properties, hardness, and chemical composition. According to the cited cases, we can say that the only main difference between natural and original rubies and artificial rubies is that natural and natural rubies are formed and found naturally on the earth, but synthetic rubies are found in laboratories.


From time immemorial, rubies have been one of the most valuable gems and precious stones used for many different purposes. For example, these gemstones and rubies were used in watches to reduce the friction between the tools used in the watch. For mechanical watches, rubies and some precious jewels and stones were used so that they could reduce friction. Mechanical watches were made so that some windings were used to move the hands of the watch, and these windings and tools were used to cause conflict and some devices to be worn on top of each other. To eliminate this friction and prevent these tools from being worn on top of each other, they used precious jewels and stones such as rubies. In ancient times, because the number of watches was minimal and most of the nobles or essential and wealthy people had watched, precious stones were used. But after the number of watches increased slightly, they decided to make artificial rubies in the same way in laboratories and use them in watchmaking instead of natural rubies.
The only difference between synthetic and natural rubies is that the original rubies on earth are made naturally. Still, synthetic rubies are made in laboratories, and there is no difference between their properties and characteristics.
Because natural materials and natural sapphires had limited resources and could not adequately meet the demand and need of people to make watches, watchmakers thought it best to make synthetic material and stone with all the properties of Sapphire in laboratories that use them.
The first laboratories to make sapphires were made by Marc Gaudin in France. Some rubies are known as Geneva ruby because it is said that this type of ruby was made near Geneva, which is why they are known as Geneva rubies. Of course, there were other rubies on the market known as reconstructed ruby in addition to this type of ruby. This type of ruby was also created by melting some pieces of rubies. Amounts of rubies could not meet human demand, so they decided to make and use rubies artificially in laboratories. Of course, rubies made in laboratories have the same properties as the original rubies, and the only difference is where they are made and produced.
To produce rubies, there are some rubies that you have to add a small amount of chromium to the aluminum oxide, and then you can create ruby.
Of course, rubies and artificial stones, in addition to being used for hours to reduce friction, can also be used for jewelry and accessories such as rings. For example, we can say that some supplements and rings have them in them. Synthetic rubies are used, and they are known as alexandrite or amethyst. There is a quote for this type of ring that these rings are obtained from stones and artificial properties produced in laboratories. These quotes are there so buyers know that the rubies and precious stones used in the circles are not original and natural rubies but artificial and laboratory-made rubies.
Synthetic spinel
For the first time, the first artificial spinel was made quite randomly when some magnesium oxide was added to the feed powder to make the Vermeil artificial corundum. Of course, natural spinel is not used as the most valuable stone. Synthetic spinel made in laboratories can almost be used in the jewelry industry or in producing some items. The Verneuil process can also make synthetic spinels.
Synthetic Quartz
Quartz is natural and, of course, cheap and affordable. Therefore, it is possible to make artificial quartz at a lower cost and use them in watchmaking. When quartz is exposed to a source such as radioactivity, it is irradiated to produce a purple color. Active and exposed to radiation turns purple. In addition to purple quartz, green quartz is also made, the number of which is limited.
Synthetic Beryl
Among the standard colors of Synthetic Beryl, the most valuable and popular color is dark emerald green. Emerald synthesis laboratories were built in early 1848.
Synthetic Emerald
The original and beautiful emeralds were made by Linde Air Products, Pierre Gilson Paris, Zerfass Germany, and other companies in the world. It is straightforward to distinguish natural emeralds from artificial emeralds. To distinguish natural emeralds from artificial emeralds, it is possible to pay attention to their distinct components. In natural and synthetic emeralds, some features are known through which it is easy to distinguish whether they are artificial or natural. Of course, to determine whether emeralds are natural or synthetic, it is necessary to use microscopes or examine them in laboratories. In most cases, natural emeralds may have a characteristic called three-phase. Is another. Synthetic emeralds generally do not have these characteristics.
Other Synthetic Gems
In addition to rubies and some stones such as emeralds, there are other artificial stones produced in laboratories that can be used in watchmaking and, as we have said, the cases in which this type of jewelry and natural and artificial precious stones are used to reduce friction. They are between the components of mechanical watches. To prevent the watch’s internal parts from being worn, some precious stones such as rubies, emeralds, and other precious stones are used to reduce the wear between them.
Opal, turquoise, and lapis lazuli are three precious stones that are also wonderful. The beautiful flashes and effects present in opal stone have made it remarkably beautiful.


Diamond Imitations
Some rutile on the market were cut to look like diamonds. But the difference between diamonds and rutile was that the rutile was yellow. However, after introducing strontium titanium in 1955, the problem that rutile was yellow was solved and later became more like diamonds.
YAG was also developed for lasers in the past, and today the main application and function of YAG is to be used in lasers. But when they cut the YAGs, they realized that they were cut in a way that looked like a cut diamond. In other words, we can say that if we cut YAG carefully and well, it will look like a diamond.
Doublets and Triplets
Two-layer or three-layer stones are also among the rocks assembled or combined in two or three layers. The compounds used for the layers of these rocks are different, and different types of blends and composites have been used for this type of compound and rock.