In this article, we want to tell you about the different types of watches for you, and if you also want to make a watch, you do not know which kind of watch is good, you can read this article and get guidance.
Choosing a watch can be a little difficult, and when choosing a watch, we must pay attention to many factors to select the best type of watch for ourselves. We should pay attention to the quality of construction, movement, accuracy, design, etc. are things that we should pay attention to when buying a watch. It is also worth noting that watches can be made of different materials, and when buying watches, it is better to pay attention to their material. Watches can be stainless steel, brass, chrome, titanium, and other metals. Each of these materials has various advantages and disadvantages that we mention in this article. But in general, we can say that high-quality stainless steel is heavier and very resistant to scratches, and shows a lot of resistance to blemishes. Titanium watches are also more expensive.

Price and value
When determining the price and value of different watches for different types of watches, we may do so mentally because deciding the price and value for a watch can be difficult. It is challenging to set a price and an hour for them.
Titanium watches are among the watches that can make it easier for you to wear and hold. However, since titanium watches are 30% lighter, they will be easier to wear. Titanium has other benefits, and you will have to pay some costs for it to use it. It is also worth noting that stainless steel is one of the heaviest materials that are harder to work with and their weight is high, and of course, they are resistant to scratches. However, titanium carbide can be easier to set up and hold and wear, so titanium granite is stainless steel. Lightweight titanium watches are affordable. Although titanium watches are lightweight and easy to have on the wrist because they are expensive, stainless-steel watches will be more cost-effective than stainless steel watches. Of course, it’s also better to know that this does not mean that there are no more affordable titanium watches.
For example, we can say that Seiko Presage SARX055 is one of the titanium watches that are very economical due to its advantages and features. It also has a reasonable price and cost. Of course, it is worth mentioning that this watch has two versions: stainless steel SRPD39 and the other version is titanium SARX055. The version’s price and its steel material are almost half the price and cost of a titanium watch.
Internal movements, extended snowflake dia, titanium coating, and other features make titanium watches lighter in weight and easy to wear and hold around the wrist.
However, Titanium is very light and easy to wear and hold around. It has low scratch resistance and some problems. Although titanium watches are more easily scratched than stainless steel watches, the scratches on titanium watches are much more noticeable than the scratches made on stainless steel watches. It is because Titanium is oxygenated. The air in the reaction indicates that a layer of oxide is formed, placed on the metal, and protected. However, if a scratch falls on a titanium watch, the scratch is a small hole formed on the oxide layer. It creates a clock that then causes a very noticeable scratch. But still. Scratches on titanium watches are more accessible to remove than scratches on steel watches. If there is a scratch on your watch made of Titanium, you can use a titanium polishing pad to draw on the oxide layer on the watch, and after that, the coating will be smooth, and the scratch will no longer be seen.
Watches made of stainless steel can also be polished and polished to make them shine again. Of course, it is also worth noting that this requires a little effort, and with a bit of effort and effort, you can restore the watches, which are made of stainless steel.
Of course, if continuously polished, watches made of stainless steel may eventually cause deformation. To do this, you can see the old Rolex watches of the ’60s, which, although constantly polished, you can see the deformation resulting from continuous polishing.
In short, it is easier to scratch watches made of Titanium. However, you can remove them again with some techniques and make them look like the days before. In comparison, watches made of stainless steel cannot be easily scratched, but even if they are scratched, it is a little more difficult to remove their scratches. In other words, we can say that titanium watches are easily marked, and scratch-resistant traces are not resistant at all, but if scratches are created on them, they can be easily removed. But watches made of stainless steel are resistant to scratches and do not scratch easily. Even if they are marked, they can hardly be removed. For this reason, stainless steel watches can be a great beater and a good option as an everyday watch.
Weight and comfort
When it comes to the weight and comfort of titanium and stainless-steel watches, titanium watches are the winners in this category. It means that when you use titanium watches, you will quickly notice their lightweight and ease of use. It implies that watches made of Titanium are lighter and lighter and have good comfort. Watches made of Titanium are up to 30% more delicate, and Jan also makes the comfort of these watches more. If you are a person who likes to put a watch on your wrist that is lighter and more comfortable, titanium watches can be a good option for you. But if you want something heavy to be on your wrist and you put a more severe watch on your wrist, stainless steel watches can be the best option for you.

If you are a person who feels allergic while wearing watches on your wrist and your skin is quickly irritated and damaged, it may be due to the presence of nickel on stainless steel watches. Watches made of stainless steel are made of nickel in their alloy, which can also cause allergies in your skin. The use of nickel in the composition of stainless-steel watches can reduce the cost and often use cheap nickel in stainless steel watches. However, titanium watches also have a natural oxide coating that uses a natural oxide coating. , Titanium does not touch your skin, and in fact, it is a natural oxide coating that is in contact with your skin, which does not cause allergies in your skin.
As a result, we can say that titanium watches are completely anti-allergic and do not cause any allergies to your skin.
Stainless steel watches have a shiny and colorful appearance, but titanium watches have a polished but blingy appearance and color.
In this article, we have compared watches made of stainless steel with Titanium. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages, and if you are going to buy a watch, you must pay attention to its material. Based on the items and benefits, and comparisons listed in this article, you can decide which type of watch is right for your purchase.